Linux - Few commands you need to know

Shell -

It is a Command line Interface that will interpret our commands. It executes each and every command line by line.

Since everything in Linux is a File(even the commands) how will the Operating System know where is the file for a command and How to convert these instructions?

-> Shell will do all these things for you.

pwd, ls, cd

Print working directory(pwd) prints the working directory starting from the root. Its stored inside a environment variable($PWD).

  • ls gives us a list of contents (Files, Directories) of the current directory. ls will give you list of contents(Files, Directories) of that particular directory.

  • cd is used to change directory. cd will take you inside that directory. cd .. will bring you out of the current directory.

mkdir, rm, rmdir

mkdir is Used to create a directory. -p is used when we’ve to create a directory inside a directory.

rm is used to delete a file, rmdir is used to delete a directory.


grep stands for Global Regular Expression Print. Its used to search files by characters. Its one of the most commonly used commands.


  • Here, we’re searching for the word ‘stalin’ in the file users.txt. -n is used for getting the line no. and -c is used to get the count. ./* will get us all the matches in the current directory.

Whatis, man

Whatis gives us a description of the command.

man command gives us a manual of the specified command. This manual will have different flags which we can use with the command. Its like a documentation.

less, Pipe

It opens output in a separate window so that the terminal doesn’t get messed up. Its used when the output will be long.

Pipe takes output of 1 command(left side) and gives it as a input to another command on right side.

Eg. ls -la /etc | less

  • It gives us list of contents(Files, directories) in /etc folder in a long list with hidden files is given as input to less command. less opens it in a separate window which allows us to manage this long list efficiently.

wc, head, tail sort, tr, uniq

wc -> Gives no. of lines, words, bytes in a file.


Here is 7 no. of lines, 25 is no. of words and 118 is no. of bytes of the file, greetings is the file name.

head -> It gives us first 10 lines of a file by default. If you want more lines then use head -n(no. of lines) file name.

tail -> It gives us last 10 lines of a file by default. If you want more lines then use head -n(no. of lines) file name.

sort -> sorts file in a particular order. tr -> Translates / Changes contents of a file. uniq -> Used to check for duplicate values.

chmod, umask

Using chmod we can change / Modify permissions. Plus(+) for Adding permissions, minus(-) for Deleting permissions.

We can also use numbers for changing permissions. 1 is for execute, 2 is for write and 4 is for read permission. 5(4+1) is for read and write. 7(4+1+3) is for reading, write, execute permissions. 6(4+2) is for read and execute.

umask is used to change Default Permissions.