Git Basics

Git Basics

Git - developed by Linus Torvald in 2005 is a Distributed version control system. In distributed version control system, every person will have their own server which means they'll a copy of entire history of code locally.

3 stages of git -

git 3 stages.png

  1. Working directory / Workspace

  2. Staging

  3. Local repository

When we commit, a commit ID is generated.

Branch -

git branch.png

  1. When people are simultaneously working on a single project, we've to assign them various tasks without disturbing the flow of project.

  2. When a branch is made, all works present at that particular stage, would be copied, and then people can work on it. (Add / Delete )

Basic Commands

git commands.png

  1. git clone - It creates a copy of an existing Git repository on our machine.

  2. git log - Shows commit history.

  3. git push - Copies changes from the local repository to the Remote / Central repository.

  4. git pull - Copies changes from the Remote / Central repository, to local repository. Used for synchronization between 2 repositories.

  5. git checkout - Used to Switch to another branch

  6. git merge - To combine branches.

  7. git add - Moves changes from the working directory to the staging area

  8. git commit - To save changes made in the local repository.

  9. git init - Initializes a new Git repository.

  10. git branch - To create a branch.

  11. git remote - Used to create, view, and delete connections to other repositories.

Advance commands

  1. git rev-list --all | xargs git grep -F ' ' - Searching for a specific string inside git repository or in your commits.

  2. git rev-list --count - To show the no. of commits made in that particular branch.

  3. git branch --merged | grep -v "branch name" | xargs -n 1 git branch -d - clean up local branches, deleting them all at once instead of deleting them one by one.

  4. git show : - To look for a file in some other branch without switching the branch.

  5. git commit --allow- empty -m 'new empty commit' - To do an empty commit. This command is useful when you want to trigger a build by committing something, so instead of editing things unnecessarily inside files to commit, we do a empty commit.

  6. git config --global help autocorrect 1 - To auto - correct spelling mistakes.

  7. git config --global true - To prune orphaned objects.